Consulting Services

I am currently working with public agencies, philanthropic organizations, and nonprofit organizations to solve complex social challenges, including measurably reducing homelessness, spurring civic innovation, and redesigning systems of care for vulnerable people. My services include:

  • Project Management

  • Strategic Planning

  • Policy Development

  • Stakeholder Engagement

  • Coalition Building

  • System Redesign

  • Communications & Storytelling


  • Supported the creation of 300+ permanent supportive and interim housing units between the fall of 2020 and the spring of 2022, which involved securing over $50M in capital and service financing

  • Co-led Marin County’s Continuum of Care in envisioning and implementing a completely new countywide strategy for addressing homelessness, which in just two years reduced chronic homelessness by 28% and unsheltered homelessness in San Rafael by 30%

  • Co-led the County of Marin’s COVID-19 Emergency Operation Center response for homelessness, which included developing the organizational structure and staffing model for a 30+ person team and directly overseeing four of eight divisions

  • Co-founded Opening Doors Marin, a public private collective impact coalition, which helped double the supply of permanent supportive housing in Marin County between 2016 and 2021; led 12-month public revenue measure feasibility study

  • Co-chaired the City of San Rafael’s Harvard-recognized employee culture change program “Together San Rafael”, which included overhauling the organization’s guiding principles, leading employee professional development, developing new employee recognition and communication strategies, and creating a learning lab series to embed design thinking within the organization

  • Developed the City of San Rafael’s strategic communications around homelessness, which included creating viral social media campaigns (one video received over 4.4M views), launching the “Put Your Change to Work” panhandling campaign (received Bay Area-wide media coverage and was replicated in other cities), and honored with national recognition for San Rafael’s community engagement and communications on homelessness

  • Oversaw renter protection policy development for the City of San Rafael, including just cause for eviction, mandatory mediation, and source of income discrimination protection

  • Currently lecturing at UC Berkeley, specifically a graduate level course on “Systems Thinking”
